Young Life Tactics-Cultic or Legit ?

Posted: April 16, 2013 in Young Life
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Eric asked a good question that I didn’t want to get lost in the comments of Is Young Life a Cult .

He asked

“does Young Life employ cultic tactics, or do cults and cultish organizations instead use legitimate techniques and manipulate them to accomplish what they want to do?”

The short answer, is that Young Life employs tactics common to cults in many (not all ) instances.  Of course, this is just my own opinion. But it is how I see the issue.

Befriending a vulnerable demographic (teens who are minors) without consent and without being up front about motive is cultic. It’s similar to the tactics of the Boston Church of Christ and Amway.

Friendship, enmeshment, and then indoctrination.

It’s a cultic tactic no matter how you slice it. It doesn’t mean that you or other leaders are not good people or that you don’t really love…

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  1. katie says:

    YL wants kids to go to heaven and live a positive joyful life in the mean time…that sure sounds evil to me…

  2. Did you even read the article? It’s fine that YL believes in heaven and wants to share their version of that “truth”. It’s the methods they use that are questionable and leave it open to abuse and deceit.

    Insert Moonies or Hevean’s Gate into your sentence and see if it makes any difference.

    • “People are often unreasonable and self-centered.
      Forgive them anyway.
      If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives.
      Be kind anyway.
      If you are honest, people may cheat you.
      Be honest anyway.
      If you find happiness, people may be jealous.
      Be happy anyway.
      The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.
      Do good anyway.
      Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough.
      Give your best anyway.
      For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”

      ― Mother Teresa

  3. XZavier says:

    Its odd. Ive checked out a few of your articles and they all only focus on negatives of Young Life. I go to YL so I might be a little biased but when you say they are corrupt its a little obsurd. They present Christianity different to certain audiences because some parents wouldnt support the good they have to offer.

    • That’s true…the site was created to allow discussion for those hurt by Young Life. There are many sites that have nothing but positive reviews of YL. This is not one of them….

  4. mechanicdude says:

    Yes, there are many sites devoted to the propaganda of Young Life. This site is important as a needed balance. When we mention the hurt caused by this invasive influence on our public campuses we are talking about “hurt children”. To even be hurt by YL makes one suspect of wrong doing. Yl is a model of indifference and arrogance, in its own view that non-christians need or want their help and that our children are broken and have no future without Christianity. How far would the average YL leader get if they had to preach to our children in front of us parents in our own home?